Sunday, September 28, 2014

VPS for WordPress basics [Part 5] - SFTP

Who has used over Shared Hosting is certainly known protocol FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used to exchange data between a client and server more convenient and quick.
But FTP is a standalone application that does not default on their Linux support should want to use FTP on a VPS you have to install it, but in my opinion, as well as expertsecurity it is very easy to use FTP security problems because of the transmission data is not encrypted, and it also has a feature that allows anonymous users to send data to the server. So I do not encourage you to use FTP on VPS that use SFTP support available in Linux.

Contents content

I. What is SFTP?
II. Connect to SFTP in Windows
III. Connect to an SFTP on Linux
IV. The meaning of the default directories on Linux

I. What is SFTP?

SFTP is the abbreviation of ( S ecure F ile T ransfer P rotocol or SSH File Transfer Protocol ), that it is a data exchange protocol between the client and the server, but the data being exchanged will be encrypted before when transferred to the server or client, acting as an extension (extension) of SSH to replace FTP capital unsafe.

II. Connect to SFTP in Windows

Like SSH, SFTP is SSH extension, so if you use Windows but want to use this protocol to send files to your server or download files from the server, you must use an SFTP client .Number SFTP Client now has so much that virtually any FTP client software familiar asFileZilla , FlashFXP , Cyberduck supports.
But here, I encourage you to use WinSCP as it gently but easy to use. Once downloaded and installed, you turn on the WinSCP application.
Above you will need to enter the IP or hostname of the VPS, you set port 22 (to coincide with the port of the SSH protocol) and then log in as the root user or with someone else on the VPS.
After pressing Login, maybe it will ask you to add fingerprint like the first time you log into SSH, Yes it just fine offline. When the login is successful, it will move you to the current user's folder that you login.
Now you can freely browse the directory on the SFTP and conduct edit / upload your files as you like just like you are using FTP so.
You can root out and walk around to know, remember not to edit or delete anything okay, I'll explain the significance of each of the following directories.

III. Connect to an SFTP on Linux

If you use Mac / Ubuntu, you can use FileZilla to connect to the VPS via SFTP, absolutely free.
Login finished it will switch you to the folder of the user that you log on. If that user has the right to see the other folders you have access to another directory.
If you are interested, you can use the command to use ftp commands according to this guide . Ubuntu and Mac are available FTP settings.
Take your time to look through the first round, especially review the folders you see when accessing the root folder (like bin, etc, var, ...). Because its bottom will explain the meaning of each folder.

IV. The meaning of the default directories on Linux

When access to the root directory (the directory /), you will see the following folders:
The default directory on one VPS Linux
The default directory on one VPS Linux
There are too many folders, so I will not explain that only explains all the important folders only. You can read more here .
  • / Bin - A directory containing the executable file of Linux commands. For example, you use the cp command to copy the names of files and folders, and when you have access to the / bin directory, you will find a file named share.
  • / Boot - This is the folder that contains the file to boot Linux system you are using, it is best not to touch it.
  • / Dev - A directory containing the configuration files of the VPS hardware such as RAM, hard drive, CPU, ....
  • / Etc - This is the folder that maybe later you'll need to hit the most because it will contain most of the configuration file of any application that you install on the VPS.For example, after you install and configure Apache webserver Apache, virtualhost more ... are you going into this folder.
  • / Home - This is the directory that contains the user's data when added to the system. Of course this was said in the previous section, then, that you would not necessarily use this directory to store user data. However, if you installed it can be used VirtualHost folders for easy management.
  • / Lib - A directory containing source files important to operate your Linux server.
  • / Lost + found - This folder will contain the files in the system as a duplicate if the system fails as collapsed rare source or for some reason it does not work.
  • / Opt - If you install an application that has a large installed capacity, it will be stored here.
  • / Proc - A directory stores the processed information of running processes, and it can also contain configuration information of VPS. More
  • / Root - Simple user's root directory.
  • / Sbin - A Shell applications reserved for root user. It is similar to the / bin directory but only new root run the following command, for example aureport command to report the important information in the server.
  • / Usr - This directory has many subdirectories in which they need further explanation for you to understand. The significance of this folder contains tasks to be shared across multiple users or different virtual machines. Meaning most accurate and most complete in the following subfolders that you read in the skin care.
  • / Var - This directory will contain the data that the system will record the activities, such as log files. mail spool. Sometimes you install Apache or Nginx, it kept up the directory / www here to display the web.


Part IV of this article you probably do not need to remember the meaning of the folders on Linux, but I just need you to remember what the concept is SFTP and SFTP logging on only because later if you need to edit the file, What to VPS using the SFTP uploads faster than using the command line editor.
Over the next article I will guide you to add one last important concept for us to proceed to step install Webserver, which is the concept of separation of powers (Permission) for files and folders.

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