Certainly, optimizing SEO is one of indispensable for Blogger SEO regarded as the primary means of development. Unlike when the optimal WordPress SEO is a great help from the plugin, then optimized for SEO Blogspot totally rely on you.
Optimize Search Preferences
The first and simplest is the main editing Search Preferences in the Settings menu of Blogspot. These are items that are available for your Blogspot provided to help newcomers make the blog can optimize the website so friendly to search engines.
Meta tags: Meta Tags In section, you add Description - The description for the site. By default, if you have not added to the website Description of the item description as this post will be hidden. So although you can add directly to the Template Description but it is absolutely necessary.
Errors and redirections:
- Custom Page Not Found : When readers visit the first link wrong or does not exist, it will show up notification 404, but to navigate the visit was good, you should add your own Page Not Found. If your template has 404 Page available then you can skip this step, to check that your template has not, you can easily rake 1 link to your blog.If you have, you can edit directly in the template.
- Custom redirects: This is the first time you want to point a link on his blog to one other link is on your site. To add Redirect, click the New Redirect.
Crawlers and indexing:
Here is a list to help you optimize the blog for Search Engine friendly.
Custom robots.txt: Editing the robots.txt file to help you notify the search engine bots will index the page and what pages you do not want to index. You add the following code in robots.txt:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Disallow:User-agent: *
Disallow: / search? updated-min =
Disallow: / search? updated-max =
Disallow: / search / label / *? updated-min =
Disallow: / search / label / *? updated-max =
Allow : /Sitemap: http://www.domain.com/feeds/posts/default?orderby=updated
The above code can help you block index Search and Archive, the main cause for the blog to be Search Engine assign labels 'Duplicate Content'.
Custom header tags robots: This list helps to better search engine results, you can adjust your discretion or like the following:
In the picture above, the installation of robots Custom header tags to help you not to get Google search results from the web directory for your blog by tick Noodp. Besides, you also block Google Search and Archive Index Page, similar to the robots.txt file settings as above.
SEO Optimized Template
The above optimal as it can be said that has been successful up to 70% now. However, consider Blogspot Template modifications in larger corrections in Search Preferences.The evidence is that if 2 Description of Template and Search Preferences Different Blogspot Template will get in. Further adjustments in the template description can help you write more.
You can edit by going to Template -> Edit HTML and find the tag <Head> , remove all the code from the card after the <head> tag to the previous <b: skin> . Will now split into two cases:
Case 1 : If you are interested in the Archive page, and intends Label .. SEO for them, then you add the following code after the tag <head> :
| < b: include data = 'blog' name = 'all-head-content' /> < b: if cond = 'data: blog.url == data: blog.homepageUrl' > < title > < data: blog.title /> </ title > < meta content = 'description for the home page' name = 'description' /> < meta content = 'keywords for the home page' name = 'keywords' /> </ b: if > < b: if cond = 'data: blog.url! = data: blog.homepageUrl' > < title > < data: blog.pageName /> | < data: blog.title /> </ title > < meta content = "index, follow ' name = 'robots' /> </ b: if > < meta content = 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0' name = 'viewport' /> |
Case 2 : You are not interested in Page Archive, Label .. and do not intend for their SEO, you add the following code after the tag <head> :
| < b: include data = 'blog' name = 'all-head-content' /> < title > < b: if cond = 'data: blog.pageType == & quot; Index & quot;' > < data: blog.pageTitle /> < b: else /> < b: if cond = 'data: blog.pageType! = & quot; error_page & quot;' > < data: blog.pageName /> | < data: blog.title /> < b: else /> Page Not Found | < data: blog.title /> </ b: if > </ b: if > </ title > < b: if cond = 'data: blog.pageType == & quot; archive & quot;' > < meta content = "noindex, noarchive ' name = 'robots' /> </ b: if > < meta content = "width = device-width, initial-scale = 1, maximum-scale = 1" name = "viewport" /> |
In the first code, you replace the description for the home page and from the home page description and keywords in your blog, Your description should be brief, from 120 to 160 characters, do not spam keywords in Description , keywords, separated by commas.
Finished, press the Save Template to save what you have just edited.
Optimized SEO when writing
With 2 steps above, you have completed the SEO optimization for blog, but the post more friendly to the search engines is very important. Some notes below can help you do that:
Heading Tags
Heading tags are very important, it helps Search Engine SEO focused realize that you are aiming for. A page should only have one H1 tag, that should be the title of the blog. H2 tags can have more, you can assign tags to the title of the article. H3 tag you can put the list in the article. Similarly with the remaining cards from H4 to H6. Heading To add tags, you highlight keywords and choose as frame underneath, which is Heading tags H2, H3 Subheading cards, Minor Heading H4 cards, other cards can be inserted directly through the HTML with the command: <h2> Content </ h2>
Alt and Title of photo
Alt Tag is the same as Anchor Text for this link (if your image has ownership links), Title is the text displayed when you hover the mouse on the image. The extra two cards are very important if you pay attention to SEO Image. To this add 2 tag on the image, you use the left mouse click on the image, appearing above or below the image menu, choose Properties, and then manually add the new box pops up.
Label in Blogspot owns two characteristics of Tag and Category in WordPress. Add Label to help you sort out the article, visit navigating via Related Post gadget. Click on Label and add one or more labels.
Description tab will be hidden if you do not add Description in Search Preferences, otherwise you can add as above. Description of your articles should be between 120-160 characters and do not forget, do not spam keywords !! If Description is not added, Google will automatically display Description Keyword search users.
With much attention to SEO SEOer location, the more Location is one thing quite as important, Google will display a lot nicer. But if you do not care about SEO sites are not what this attention to both.
Done, I think has all the attention to SEO articles and blogspot
Blogspot was sold to Google in 2003 and since then has always been a service Blogspot webblog is the concern Blogger. There is some suggestion that it should only be used for the satellite site. Yourself, I think that not everyone has the ability to spend money on hosting, domain names, ... and especially when your blog has a lot of traffic that your capital is not large Blogspot is one thing you should always top note
His hope that the longest post ever I can this help you easily optimize SEO for Blogspot
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